Charlie Checkers provides an easier way for passionate lawn enthusiasts to care for their lawns, without the need for an expensive professional lawn care service.
Our lawn plans take all the hassle and guess work out of caring for your lawn. We provide you exactly what you need, when you need it to create a lush, thriving lawn. No more trying to figure out what, how, and when to use your complicated range of products.
Now, with just one insanely simple 15 minute application per month, you can have the lawn you always dreamt of.
Australia is a huge country, with many varied climates. That why we created our tailored lawn care plans specifically to address the different needs of each region. As the seasons change, we know exactly what your lawn needs, and deliver it right to your door.
Each bottle contains a base fertiliser formula, with different additives designed for the season:
Soil wetters for the summer/dry season, growth stimulants for early in spring to get your lawn growing again, Iron supplements to give your lawn a boost ahead of end of year social festivities, and a variety of different mineral supplements to protect your lawn through the colder months.
We also wanted you to feel confident about the products you’re using on your lawns, knowing that the people, pets and planet would all be safe from harsh toxic chemicals, so we used the most natural ingredients we could find.
We guarantee these simple to use products will transform your patch into to a thriving, lush green lawn that looks amazing and is one of the best lawns in your neighbourhood, or we’ll work with you to solve any challenges.
You’ll be feeling proud and your neighbours will be asking what’s the secret. (We hope you’ll let them know, but that’s up to you!)
Our lawn care plans provide you the highest quality natural lawn care products, tailored precisely to your needs, delivering exactly what your lawn needs, right when it’s needed.
Join with us to create a lawn your neighbour’s will be jealous of.
By selecting this option, you agree to subscribe for 4x quarterly boxes to be delivered over a 12 month period. During this period, you will be unable to cancel your subscription. (Your lawn will be very happy though)